Joke of the Day:
Do you know why dinosaurs can't talk?
Because they're all dead!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sharks up

Hello one and all. I am Scott, a hendersaurus in training. I am here to tell you about the catching of this shark. While in Hawaii, we decided to go on a sharkhunt. We went out in a boat and headed out to open waters. After having our rods out in the water for about half an hour we got a bite. I headed over and began to reel in the shark. After working on the shark for about 7 minutes, I was able to reel in the shark. After catching the shark we then let it go and continued with the hunt.

1 comment:

  1. Shark hunting! Not many people can claim this as an activity they have done. Pretty cool.
    Aunt Denise
