Joke of the Day:
Do you know why dinosaurs can't talk?
Because they're all dead!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Good Books

I am on a search for good books. I'm trying not to overwhelm myself with classics that I'm going to have to read for school anyway. I'm talking about "good books" that are fun, interesting, and have some meaning to them. Nothing hard core in any respect and nothing too terribly dull. I'm not really specific on any genre. But I'm looking for something age appropriate that will engage my interest. I haven't read a good book for a long time.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Drum roll, Bagpipes,and a few tears

I was not ready for how strong my emotions were when the music started. It was great to be surrounded by fellow Scots.

Old fashion work

The old man and the kid show them how to do it. It was fun to show Scott how we did it in the old days.

After many hours and a week at scout camp Scott has earned his Life scouting award. And just 5 more merit badges to Eagle. By the way who is the old grey haired man he is shaking hands with